Scaling the Mindset for Dual-Use and Defense Ecosystems
There will be lots of new faces......lead, follow or get the hell out of the way!
What does it take to sustain and scale a robust ecosystem of defense and dual use? Buy in from all stakeholders with academia for the research, government for the convening power, private capital for the reach, citizens for the nation and the community of entrepreneurs for the innovation speed, everyone plays a role. Each will go through their own lightbulb moments.
But it takes more than bright lightbulbs. It takes money for R&D. It takes centers of gravity for technology domains. It takes private capital and venture investments into practical solutions. It takes prioritization by government. It takes motivated individuals competing for excellence. It takes pride in nation and community. It takes strong leadership.
What does this look like? Investments of money and smart people from DARPA, OSD, DIU, SSC and other government entities who can strengthen deep tech within the university and local communities. Monetary investments and alignment from private capital into ventures focused only on those strategic priorities which help national strength. Knowledge transfer to entrepreneurs of how to work with the state, local and federal government and their programs. Physical places for collaboration and centers of gravity for domain expertise. University and college alignment for building the next generation of leaders. Making stronger pathways to government jobs for the next generation of leaders.
Today’s US Defense Industrial Base (DIB) is tired and in need of great restructuring at the speed of technology, the speed of human adaptions, the speed of global solutions. Businesses in the private sector have been competing, adapting, and redefining problem sets for decades. Free markets and private capital have accelerated change for friends and foes. The Government needs to find ways to leverage the business community to scale. Programs are nice, but winning will take results. Results happen on the ground and in the arena. Winning the industrial transformation will take visionary leadership with practical knowledge
Government Innovation Organizations Use of Commercial Competition Platforms — Marketplaces and Mapping Tools
The commercial/private sector has been competing for new ideas, new technologies and new markets since the beginning of time. This has resulted in the refinement of vetting processes and survival of the fittest. Government organizations need to integrate the tools, systems and processes to move at the speed of technology.
Technology marketplaces are great examples of using commercial/private sector platforms to vet companies and organizations. AWS, Google Cloud and MS Cloud have been doing this for over a decade with success. Niche marketplaces like Whitehawk have also proven successful at speeding the adoption and security of technology.
New market intelligent planforms like Obviant make is easier to shape opportunity vs chasing the dragon. Collaboration AI is making it easier to bring great people around good ideas. Companies and technology adapt in the air, land, sea, and outer space. The best people (or machines) to validate and find market fits are in their respective markets.
Unrestricted Leadership
Leadership matters. The ability to take risks, remove blockers and set the visions of the future is critical in winning. Successful organizations will push the limits and change the mindset. We see examples of this leadership across new innovation organizations like DIU(Defense Innovation Unit) and DOD CDAO(Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office). We see it at the local level with cities, counties and states rethinking how they intake new technologies. Government grants and funding can start the process, but they will not see the ROI without the market fit and private capital flows.
The uniqueness of these organizations has commonality: The have hired private industry leaders to change the game. This mix of government and corporate mindset, cadence and process are starting to push the needle around building the new world.
Aligning Capital Flows
Just because you spend lots of money on innovation programs doesn’t mean you win the game. Spending money in the right places ensure a much better return. The prioritization of private capital flows into areas which impact how we live matter. Government organizations have done some good work identifying these priorities; however, government organizations are not good at finding great market fits for the technologies and services.
There are many examples of private companies leveraging a mix of public and private capital to research, develop and take to market products and services with success. From Palantir to Anduril to Starlink to SpaceX. These are the outliers, and they are so critical to future global leadership. We do not need more apps. We need better fuels and materials, faster chips and redefined autonomous manufacturing. Emelody is changing the game for the US manufacturing defense industry. We need capital flowing to more of these types of ventures.
Let’s get too it!
God Bless America!